viernes, 19 de octubre de 2012

The 3rd iJADE and NSEAD Research Conference, 2012

We are Spanish born during Franco´s Dictatorship and we develop the performance POSBOLONIO UNIFORM as a global activism.
documentación liverpool from Mediateca BBAA Aranjuez on Vimeo.



Yes, we are Spanish. We were born in the time of Franco´s Dictatorship. We grew up with the first Spanish Constitution, in Democracy. We lived the slow path towards the individual freedom until we gained integration in Europe. Indeed, we believed that we were a model nation because we were on the list of the most developed countries. Nowadays, living in the second decade of the XXI century, we observe how all those achievements are destroyed by some perverse political and economic strategies. We are PIGS (pigs: Portugal, Italy, Greece and Spain).
We have a degree in Arts, we have PHDS, and we are University professors and artists. We feel that our freedom is being cut down; we feel that we are being manipulated. We observe how Culture, Arts and Education are suffering a direct attack, just because they are tools for change, for democracy and for freedom of critical thought. For all these reasons, we use artistic performance and Art as a way to react. It is a creative defiance and a sarcastic resistance, and we wear a military style uniform. It might or it might not be an exaggeration of what the University could become in the future, and it is also a uniform that shows tenacity and disrespect to the political and economical measures of our times.
We would like to share our experience, because we believe that you may feel that you are Spanish too.
We are living in very troubled times and as Art teachers, we are witness to and also the result of the destabilization of employment within the Public Sector, Public Services and civil rights, three things which were fought ferociously for over decades. In the face of this we adopt the position of demanding our rights with a non violent and performative action (Posbolonian Uniform) based on the following principles:
(DE)POLITICIZATION, of Education. Education cannot be used as a coin, going from one hand to the other, going from one political side or another. Education cannot be a place to save knowledge while speculation and squandering are taking place.
(RE)EDUCATION, of the System. Education in the wider context, goes much further than Formal Education, and is related to a state of conciousness, to a personal evolution, to common and individual responsibility.
(RE)CONSTRUCTION. We believe that is necessary to do a creative reinvention of a System that is falling apart and to fight the fear that ‘they’ try to implant in our heads, we believe in hard work and in constructive criticism, even if we have to demand it and in our right to remain non-submissive.
We consciously work knowing the importance of Art and aesthetic Education as social intervention, understanding this as a mechanism of freedom and change.
We are going to show key aspects of the matter related to the evolution of our performance project started in 2011:
1.  Evolution of the performance “Posbolonian Uniform”.
2.  “Posbolonian Enrolment Posts” since the Congress on Artistic Education in Jaén 2011.
3.  Micro-action: “Two visible invisible in times of global crisis”, Jaén 2011.
4.  Micro-action: “When the performance body breaks down” UCM 2011.
5.  “Posbolonian salute”.
6.  “Attendance record check playing the cornet”.
7.  Micro-action “We get wet” Aranjuez, Faculty of Arts, 2011.

Thank you for visiting our blog! 

lunes, 8 de octubre de 2012

Nos mojamos


El miércoles 3 de octubre de 2012, Pilar y yo inauguramos el curso en Aranjuez. Semanas antes estuvimos hablando de la necesidad de cambiar de tono respecto a las acciones posbolonias. Sentimos un malestar total con las situaciones que estamos viviendo en “nuestra España”, especialmente en el ámbito político-social. El tono crítico e irónico, de la acción se nos torna insuficiente y necesitamos que nuestra queja se transforme en un grito, más crudo, grave y rabioso.

Pilar critica la represión al pueblo y la censura a los profesores. Siente la necesidad de ponerse una máscara y dejar de hablar. A mi la situación me revuelve tanto que me produce diarrea. Crece la necesidad de trabajar con las secreciones. En este escatológico contexto admiramos, yo con cierta envidia,  la libertad, elegancia, sencillez y naturalidad de Crono, el galgo de Pilar,  para marcar con orín los muros del congreso de los diputados.

Trabajamos en los pormenores, significados, tiempos y coreografía de la acción de presentación del curso académico. Creo que ambos sentimos esta acción como algo muy especial. Ambos vivimos momentos de nervios, tensión y riesgo.

Partimos de un extremo del edificio y fuimos  andando con ademanes militares, bordeando el patio. Llegamos a la puerta principal de acceso al patio y formamos frente al  diseminado público, que se resguardaba del fuerte calor que hacía bajo los árboles. Llamamos la atención, nos quitamos la gorra, nos colocamos unas  máscaras antigas que llevábamos colgadas y nos ponemos en posición de firmes. Transcurridos unos segundos los pantalones de los posbolonios empiezan a empaparse hasta mojar sus botas y parte del suelo. Primero uno y después otro se cuadran enérgicamente con un pisotón y pasan a la posición de descanso. Unos pocos segundos después realizan el nuevo saludo posbolonio y se marchan deshaciendo el camino por el vinieron.

El acto de mojarme atiende a una necesidad personal, que trabaja con múltiples registros emocionales. Lo hacemos en un acto de rabia, vomito y reacción a las imposiciones. Es una rebeldía contra todos los parámetros establecidos de decencia y decoro para conectar con la parte más marginal, animal, primitiva, salvaje e inmadura del ser humano. Es una insumisión al poder, al uniforme y a las instituciones. Funciona como un acto depurativo. Es una lucha contra el miedo. Es un enemigo vencido.